




2001.09-2005.07  安徽师范大学       物理学    本科

2005.09-2008.07  安徽师范大学       光学      硕士

2016.09-2021.07  中国科学技术大学      环境科学   博士




  1. 1.范德瓦尔斯分子的势能面和红外光谱研究:简正坐标相关”,国家自然科学基金项目批准号:11404126(已结项)

  2. 2.有机酸参与大气气溶胶成核机理的研究,安徽省高校自然科学研究重点项目,批准号:KJ2021A0976(在研)

  3. 3.Xe-OCS势能面和束缚态能级研究,安徽省高校自然科学研究项目,批准号:KJ2013B262(已结项)

  4. 4.Ne-HF体系势能面和束缚态能级计算研究,威廉希尔官方平台自然科学项目,项目号:2012LK01(已结项)


1Wang, Z.Q., Liu, Y.R., Wang, C.Y., Jiang, S., Feng, Y.J, Huang, T. and Huang, W., The nucleation mechanism of succinic acid involved sulfuric acid - dimethylamine in new particle formation. Atmos. Environ., 263, 118683, 2021.

2Wang, Z.Q., Liu, Y.R., Wang, C.Y., Jiang, S., Feng, Y.J, Huang, T. and Huang, W., Multicomponent nucleation of malonic acid involved in the sulfuric acid - dimethylamine system and its atmospheric implications. Atmos. Environ., 267, 118558, 2021.

3Zhongquan Wang, Eryin Feng, Chunzao Zhang, Chunyan Sun, An ab initio potential energy surface and infrared spectra for Kr–N2O in the v3 stretching region of N2O, Chemical Physics Letters, 626, 43, 2015.

4Zhongquan Wang, Eryin Feng, Chunzao Zhang, Chunyan Sun, The first ab initio potential energy surface and predicted infrared spectra for Xe–N2O in the v3 stretching region of N2O,  Chemical Physics Letters, 638, 66, 2015.

5Zhongquan Wang, Eryin Feng, Chunzao Zhang, Chunyan Sun, The potential energy surface and microwave spectra of the Xe–CO2 complex, Chemical Physics Letters, 619, 14, 2015.

6Zhongquan Wang, Eryin Feng, Chunzao Zhang, Chunyan Sun, The potential energy surface and infrared spectra of the Ar–C2H2 complex, Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 1112, 82, 2017.

7Zhongquan Wang, Eryin Feng, Chunzao Zhang, Chunyan Sun, A new potential energy surface and microwave and infrared spectra of the He-OCS complex, Journal of Chemical Physics, 141, 174308, 2014.

8Zhongquan Wang, Eryin Feng, Chunzao Zhang, Chunyan Sun, The first potential energy surface and microwave spectra of the Hg–CO2, Complex, Chemical Physics Letters, 690, 38, 2017.

9Zhongquan Wang, Eryin Feng, Chunzao Zhang, Chunyan Sun, A new potential energy surface and microwave and infrared spectra of the Kr–D2O complex, Chemical Physics Letters, 685, 9, 2017.

10ZhongquanWang, Eryin Feng, Haijun Yu, Chunzao Zhang, Jianming Du, A new ab initio potential energy surface for the NeCO complex with the vibrational coordinate dependence, Journal of Chemical Physics, 134, 024320, 2011.

11Zhongquan Wang, Mingyan Gong, Yu Zhang, Eryin Feng, Zhifeng Cui, Ab initio potential energy surface and bound states of the Xe-CO complex, Journal of Chemical Physics, 128, 044309, 2008.

12Zhongquan Wang, Qinghua Zheng , Eryin Feng, Ab initio potential energy surface and bound states of the Ar-BH complex, Chemical Physics Letters, 510, 48, 2011.

13ZhongquanWang, Chunzao Zhang, Eryin Feng, Haijun Yu, Jianming Du, The rovibrational structure of the Kr-HF complex from an ab initio interaction potential, Chemical Physics Letters, 501, 206, 2011.

14Zhongquan Wang, Mei Niu, Eryin Feng, Haijun Yu, Jianming Du, Jianguo Ma, Interaction of N2 with Kr: Potential energy surface and bound states, Chemical Physics Letters, 484, 124, 2010.

15Zhongquan Wang, Mingyan Gong, Yu zhang, Eryin Feng, Zhifeng Cui, Accurate Kr-CO interaction potential energy surface with vibrational coordinate dependence, Chemical Physics Letters, 454, 7, 2008.

16Zhongquan Wang, Mingyan Gong, Eryin Feng, Zhifeng Cui, Accurate intermolecular ground state potential of the He–BH van der Waals complex, Chemical Physics Letters, 443, 237, 2007.

17Wang Zhong-Quan, Zhang Chun-Zao, Yu Hai-Jun, Du Jian-Ming, Ma Jian-Guo, An ab initio study of the Ne-CO complex, Chinese Physics B, 20, 033107, 2011.

18Chen Jiao, Jiang Shuai, Liu Yi-Rong, Huang Teng, Wang Chun-Yu, Miao Shou-Kui, Wang Zhong-Quan, Zhang Yang, Huang Wei. Interaction of oxalic acid with dimethylamine and its atmospheric implicationsRSC Adv,.763742017.

19Chunyan Sun, Zhongquan Wang, Eryin Feng, Chunzao Zhang, A three-dimensional potential energy surface and infrared spectra for the Ar–OCS van der Waals complex, Chemical Physics Letters, 592, 182, 2014.

20Chunzao Zhang, Zhongquan Wang, Eryin Feng, Three-dimension potential energy surface and rovibrational spectraof the Kr–N2 complex, Chemical Physics Letters, 517, 16, 2011.

21Chunzao Zhang, Zhongquan Wang, Haijun Yu, Jianming Du, Jianguo Ma, Ab initio potential energy surface and bound states of the Xe-HF complex, Chemical Physics Letters, 495, 166, 2010.

22Eryin Feng, Yu Zhang, Zhongquan Wang, Mei Niu, Zhifeng Cui, Rovibrational structure of the Xe-CO complex based on a new three-dimensional ab initio potential, Journal of Chemical Physics, 130, 124311, 2009.

23张春早,王忠全,Ne-BeH体系的相互作用势和能级结构的理论研究,《原子与分子物理学报》, 28, 2322011.


1、 一种野外勘探用多功能光电显示器及其底座(专利号:ZL201721512723.5
、 一种打火机的定向轮组合轮(专利号:ZL201621069133.5


  1. 2010年度“共青团工作先进个人”称号。



